Freshman Year


This is a few pictures taken freshman year. It was a year of discovery and discussion. It was a year of delight and disappointment. It was a year... it was... ok, it was just another year. But we had fun.

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Cody, John and Blake discuss Buffalo Herd theory.

A Tribute to Modern Art

by John D. Hindman and

 Jared C. Beavers

Jared Art Inc., 2001 ©

Dan Flemming Doing what Dan does best. Playing on the computer and flipping me the bird.

Actually come to think of it, this picture is from sophomore year. They all just kind of run together. But Blake was sound asleep. Too bad I didn't have a magic marker.

Buffalo Herd Theory, in a nutshell.

Okay, so Blake Vernon comes in one night and expound upon what he calls "Gorilla Logic" and the "Buffalo Herd Theory" first brought to light by Cliff (from Cheers). Here is how it goes.

Buffalo Herd theory postulates that the herd can only move as fast as its slowest member. However, the slowest members are the first to be picked off by predators. Therefore, as the herd is preyed upon, it becomes faster and faster until it can outrun the predators. The cycle then repeats as Buffalos age and new Buffalo are born.

The theory then postulates that the same is true for neurons. As one consumes alcohol, the alcohol destroys first the slower neurons, leaving only a speedy, efficient pathway for thought. Therefore, alcohol actually speeds up your thought processes.